Well, hello there my young friend! (everyone is young on this site c; hehe)
I have been vlogging on youtube for the past three or so years, and I want to bring some books to written review as well.
I think I’ve always had a hidden love for reading. I never use to read on my own though. I was forced to read while in school and, although I hated, I would always find a book or several that I enjoyed reading. These books included, but where not limited to, Junie B. Jones; Boxcar Children; Nancy Drew; The Princess Diaries, and Hoot. However, my love for reading really began in the beginning of my 8th grade year. A friend of mine was reading Breaking Dawn by Stepheine Meyer, and I was intrigued by the cover. After hearing her talk about it, I asked my parents if they could buy the book for me. I then started to read Twilight and have been in love with reading ever since.
I do occasionally read adult books, classics, and middle school books, my love lies in the hands of young adult. I don’t have one favorite genre either. I’m not too picky. I just read depending on my mood. Although, my shelves seem to be based mostly of realistic fiction.
Somethings about me, I’m not just a reader. I love traveling. I love learning. I would love to go to school for psychology. I’m a 20 year old college student who wants to experience life. I’m always up for a challenge, but I always conscious about the rules.
I hope you have a great day my lovelies. Stay beautiful and happy reading.
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