Friday, February 21, 2014

Feature Follow

Hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee
Feature and Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read, that gives bloggers the opportunity to meet other bloggers, and gain followers.There is a new question every week. This weeks question  is:

What is the last book that made you cry?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6) 
This was a hard question. I think Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is the last book I cried during. I didn't full out sob, but I did get teary eyed! I'm pretty everyone and their brother knows why this book is sad. If not, then go read them or watch the movies :D 


  1. HP books. I was like, "Why do these things keep on happening to Harry!?!"

    Following right back on bloglovin'.

  2. :( yeah I can understand this one. Wonderful pick.
    New bloglovin follower

    My F&F

  3. Yes, every time I read the last 4 books in HP, I end up a blubbering mess (esp book 4 for some odd reason...)

    New Bloglovin follower! :)
    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

    1. yes! It's like J.K set us up in the first 3 and got us prepared for the last 4!

  4. I experienced strong emotions with the H books but not enough to make me cry, I'm not really a book crier at the best of times.

    New Bloglovin follower

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  5. Oh good call! This was heartbreaking both in the book and in the movie!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  6. OMG I cried so hard during this one! At the time I read it, the movie wasn't out yet or even the last book and I was so shocked by what happened at the end. Sobbed and sobbed. lol

    1. I was completely shocked when I seen the movie! (I seen the movies before I read the books). It was unbelievable. I still can't get over it!

  7. Love the HP series. I don't remember crying when reading it. But it has been awhile since I first read this book.

    New bloglovin follower

    1. Yeah, a part of me wishes I would have cried harder!

  8. Harry Potter is in a category all on its own for me on the sadness meter. I fell in love with so many of the characters, so to lose so many of them was devastating!!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Old Follower!

    Here's My FF
    Amber @ Paradise of Pages

    1. I completely agree! The characters in Harry Potter are some of my favorite characters <3

  9. Oh, I remember reading this book as a child, I sobbed hard. I miss Harry Potter a lot :(
    New Bloglovin follower :)
    My FF

    1. yes! I just watched the last movie and it made me sad ):


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