Thursday, March 6, 2014

Deep in the reading slump...

I've been in such  a dilemma lately. I've been in the mood to buy books and that's about it. I haven't been in the mood to do anything else book related: blogging, vlogging, reading. I haven't read a full book in 2 1/2 weeks, and I only read 3 books total in the month of February.

It's starting to upset me. I've even tried to read a favorite book of mine and I'm just not feeling it. I blame school. I decided to take 10 credits this semester (some may say that's not a lot, but when I work 24 hours a week it is) so I am always swamped with homework and having to read other books for school. I become super stressed trying to juggle everything.

So if  anyone misses me, I am truly sorry. I get out of school on April 26 or April 30th, so I hope it doesn't last that long. If it does, at least April is only like 8 weeks away. I love you guys, don't give up on me <33

Much love, Amber 


  1. Hey it's ok! Life just takes up a lot of time, and there are so many distractions especially in school. I think this will definitely pass, like a writer's block, except you have a reader's block!

  2. I hope you are feeling less slumpish soon, I know it was really hard for me to read when I was in college too!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings


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