Anyone feel me? I call this my "sucky series syndrome". I am horrible at reading series and trilogies alike. I have finished a total of 1 series (Harry Potter), 2 sagas(Tiger Curse, Twilight), and 2 trilogies(Divergent, Wake). I currently have 9 unread series and 15 unread trilogies on my bookshelves. (I'm also probably miscounted some unread series and trilogies, so that 9 and 15 are probably incorrect!) The sad thing is, the majority of the unread trilogies are trilogies that would be finished if I found the time to finish the last book.*drops head in shame*

What are some of the unread books, you wonder? Why, I'm glad you asked. We have Percy Jackson, The Maze Runner, Delirium, Unearthly, Starcrossed. Hopefully I will able to get to these books someday in my life time.
One reason for my "SSS, sucky series syndrome, is I'm not a huge fan of them. For me, I tend to find the series to be unnecessarily long and dragged out. I am honestly in love with an author if they are amazing and talented enough to develop a world and characters in one book. How about you? Do you like series, trilogies, or even sagas? Do you have a lot of unread ones on your shelves?
I have a ton of trilogies/series in my TBR pile - some are complete (Divergent, Mistborn, LOTR) and some aren't (Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, Chaos Walking).
ReplyDeleteI buy paperbacks most of the time as I'm poor but having to wait for said paperback to come out is horrible especially if it's the last in a series or something and there's a year or more between them. Ugh! I seem to have the same problem as you in that I forget what happens in the previous book unless it happens to be AMAZING (ie Kingkiller Chronicles, and Gentleman Bastards).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like trilogies/series but I don't like having to wait a year or more for the next part in the story.
yes! I hate waiting. I'm a very impatient person.